Sunday 20 October 2013



When I actually started animating the camera I saw the ease in and outs put on the graph. I know the sheet said to make them linear, I thought because this was like a house viewing, it might be good to make the camera look like the actual first person view of Fox walking through. So I put the camera at eye level and walked through the rooms, no particular fast movements or twirls. I didn't want too much emphasis on the hallway so I did a fade in through the window to give it a coherent fade. I warmed up the scene and desaturated it as the colours were quite strong and almost plastic looking. The shiny-ness of some of the textures were less than optimal after looking at it over and over. I didn't like the kids bedroom wallpaper, but I didn't think the lambert or antistropic modes fit either so I chose phong. To compensate for the reelections of the shiny-ness of it, I messed with the curves in Premiere to tone down the whites. I also took away a bit of contrast to make it look more rustic and true to the movie. I used ambient lights that would be in the ceiling position, as well as some natural-style lighting through the windows of the bedrooms.

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